
Students who meet basic requirements for admission to the E. L. White Theological Seminary are admitted without regard to sex, race, color, religious tradition, national or ethnic origin. All students admitted have access to the rights, privileges, programs, activities and scholarship programs afforded by the seminary and are governed without discrimination by its established policies and procedures.

Admissions policies and procedures are established by the Admissions Committee of the E. L. White Theology Seminary. Admissions Committee is comprised of the President, Dean and the Registrar.


Students desiring admission to E. L. White Theological Seminary should secure an application for admission from:

The Registrar
E. L. White Theological Seminary
816 Whistler A venue
Prichard, Alabama 36610

The completed application form, should be returned to the Registrar accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee and copies of an official high school and/or college transcripts.


Reoistration dates are as indicated in the calendar. A course may not be entered after the first week except by special permission of the instructor and with the approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Tuition and Fees

All tuition and fees must be paid in accordance with the academic year registration information. There will be no exceptions unless arrangements have been approved by Lhe Business Office. All payments should be made payable to:

E. L. White Theological Seminary
Attention: Registrar
816 Whistler A venue
Prichard, Alabama 36610